Premier Web3 Toolset for businesses.brands.creators.gamers.investors.

Our dream-like luxury virtual setting paired with a state-of-the-art features and tools will leave nobody untouched.

We are an open-world Solana-native reality based luxury metaverse with the chain-agnostic approach and IRL integration-focused goals.

Virtual luxury Real Estate NFTs with unparalleled features.

Our 4 tiered virtual real estate NFTs system represents a base building block of our metaverse platform. It comes with revenue share, voting rights, Play2Earn, Stay2Earn, and many other features.

Owning a piece of paradise in the Elysium metaverse will bring you into the world of unparalleled gaming, creativity, and social interactions.

Our wide variety of real estate tiers will fit any user's needs

Private Islands

Up to 3 acres of your personal tropical paradise and turquoise waters

Beachfront Properties

A private beachfront with a stunning views and your personal ocean access

Inland Properties

Hills or valleys, inland property will serve as your digital retreat

Highrise Apartments

A different style of living - views will never disappoint, and the city is always alive
Brands & Businesses

A premier luxury setting that every business needs

Our Business Utility System will make your Web3 business as easy and intuitive as opening an email account. For more advanced and demanding businesses, our white-labeled metaverse technology will be a natural choice!

Economy 3.0

Our economic toolset will help your company grow in Web3.

Tropical Setting

Dream-like sandy beaches are for everyone, set your Web3 presence in paradise.

Awesome Features

Our business features will let you express your brand vision.

Universe of Excellence

Our dedicated BD team will help you achieve your grandiose visions!

Gaming Tools & Experiences

Bringing real gaming to the blockchain

Almost the entire Crypto gaming industry was envisioned in the wrong way… Play2Earn, Stay2Earn, and many other protocols are not tapping into the gamer’s mind. We decided to reimagine this segment by starting from scratch, and with the base gaming philosophy in mind!

We are bringing you real gaming experiences from gamers to gamers, paired up with the latest blockchain technology, embracing full ownership over digital assets and letting you dictate the narrative trough our Game Maker technology!

Creators Economy

Creative toolset for a new generation of digital creators

Every technological revolution created new jobs and industries, we believe Web3 will do the same. We decided to help streamline this progress by creating a vast toolset native to NFTs and Blockchain, enabling digital creators, like yourself, to flourish in the years to come!

Our tools are made for everybody – from total amateurs to tech-savvy digital creators of Web2. Immerse yourself into our creative suite and create assets for the generations to come!

Elysium Foundation

Leading the way to the chain-agnostic, interoperable, metaverse of the future

The main goal of the Elysium Foundation is the creation of the chain-agnostic, platform irrelevant protocol which is fully interoperable, seamless, and ready to serve as a World Wide Web for metaverses of the future!

Economy 3.0

ECON 3.0 framework for the economy of tomorrow

Our multi-layered marketplace expands into the IRL products and services while relying on fast and cheap transactions paired with the safe environment of blockchain technology.

Communities 3.0

Community tools for complex interactions made simple

Events, gatherings, permission controls, and much more! Organize your communities the way you like and need, without any hustle. Promote and reward your MVP community members with a click!

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